Q: How Long Do Eyelash Extensions Last
Allie Kok
Hi All!
I had a question from Lauren from the very popular Adelaide Website Adelady asking how long do eyelash extensions last.
In case anyone else had the same question, this is our response:
Eyelash Extensions usually last anywhere between 3 weeks to 6 weeks depending on how well one looks after them and the lifespan of ones natural lash. It is important not to get the lashes wet and try to avoid places with humidity like saunas or pools in the first 24 hours of application to allow the adhesive to properly bond with the natural eyelashes.
It is recommended not to use oil based mascara or in fact any mascara at all if you can avoid it and most girls should not even need to wear mascara with eyelash extensions anyway. If you absolutely NEED to wear mascara, choose a water-based mascara (waterproof and water-resistant mascara is a NO NO).
Try to avoid oil based makeup and remover too. Always try to stick to water-based products.
Do not curl the eyelashes with an eyelash curler. The faux eyelashes come in different curl types anyway so one should not even need to curl them.
The natural eyelash tends to fall off and regrow anywhere between 60 to 90 days. So it depends on which stage of the eyelash formation that the faux eyelash is attached on. The natural eyelash might be in the middle stage of growth in which case has already had a life of approx 30 days but is probably the best time to attach a faux eyelash on as it is at it’s strongest stage. If the eyelash is only a baby eyelash, it will be quite small and not as strong as the ‘teenage’ eyelash. The ‘mature’ eyelashes will fall out the quickest as they have almost already reached their lifespan.
So all those factors will determine the length that the faux eyelashes will stay on
xo Allie