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6 Balnaves Walk
Northgate, SA, 5085

0411 784 770

Eyelash Extensions Training Adelaide & Melbourne CBD





Importance of Follow Up - Eyelash Extensions Adelaide

Allie Kok

Follow up is so important in any business and it makes your day when you have beautiful clients! 

We can not stress on how important follow up is for business especially in a place like Adelaide ;)  If you do not follow up your clients, you won't know whether there are any issues or what feedback there is on your performance. Clients will tend not to actively tell you whether they are satisfied or unhappy with their treatment or your work unless you ask them. It is important because it allows you to track how well you are performing as a technician and any areas you may need to improve on. There is ALWAYS room for improvement and asking a lot of experienced technicians, they are ALWAYS practicing and learning. You might be surprised but it takes amazing skill in applying Russian Volume Eyelash Extensions. It is not as easy as it looks. The amount of concentration, finesse, skill and manual dexterity required in applying Russian Volume Eyelash Extensions is extraordinary and can only be mastered by practice, practice and more practice!

Each client has a different set of eyelashes and what is required and best for that client must be judged on an ad hoc basis (ie: spontaneously at the time and on the fly). It requires the lash technician to pick up individual strands of mink hair follicles and create a 'fan' of lashes of a certain length as requested by the client or what the lash tech thinks looks best for the client.

The 'fan' must be evenly spaced and the technique involved in getting these 'fans' perfect is masterful. I myself am very critical of my own work and I believe that lash technicians always have room for improvement and the only way that we are to improve is to get feedback from our clients and to practice day in and day out!

Love this lady, friend and client <3

Allie Kok

Love getting visits and chatting away with this lovely lady and of course doing her lashes!

Book your eyelash extensions in Adelaide with Le Lash Beautique. We are currently running a promotion for Russian Volume 3D Eyelash Extensions for $100! Amazing Value! We are a boutique salon and so we make sure we make your visit personal and we fo…

Book your eyelash extensions in Adelaide with Le Lash Beautique. We are currently running a promotion for Russian Volume 3D Eyelash Extensions for $100! Amazing Value! We are a boutique salon and so we make sure we make your visit personal and we focus all of our attention on you! Book now!